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Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology & Palliative Care Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology & Palliative Care

Gerontology Research Collaborative (GRC)

In This Day & Age - GRC and Stein Seminar Series

"In This Day & Age" is a monthly seminar series sponsored by the GRC and the Stein Institute for Research on Aging. Our mission is to highlight cutting-edge and multidisciplinary aging research happening within the San Diego community and beyond.Formats vary from seminars by local faculty, short talks from early-stage investigators (postdocs, fellows and students), and invited presentations by leading gerontologists. Please stay tuned for more!

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Upcoming GRC Seminar:

Coming soon!

View Past Seminars


GRC Newsletter

We regularly distribute our newsletter informing our community about research opportunities, publications and local events. Career development and training pertaining to gerontology research will also be provided as our group develops.

To subscribe please email