Education & Training
Training our health professionals today to help shape tomorrow
The UC San Diego Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology and Palliative Care has a variety of training programs focused on not only educating the next generation of doctors, but also the current and future health care work force, including other practicing physicians, nurses, social workers, and other professionals working with older adults, along with patients and caregivers.
Our programs include a long-standing ACGME-accredited Geriatrics Fellowship Program, resident education, and elective rotations for medical students at various levels in their training, in addition to multiple didactic activities available to trainees and faculty, such as our geriatrics grand rounds, seminars, case conferences, and journal club. UC San Diego also holds nursing wokshops and community presentations on a periodic basis.
Training Programs
Geriatrics Fellowship Program
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Fellowship
NIA T32 Program - Improving the Health of Aging Women and Men
Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) Program
Grand Rounds
The Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Palliative Care hosts a monthly Grand Rounds on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 12:00–1:00 p.m.
GRC Seminars
The Gerontology Research Collaborative (GRC) holds a monthly GRC Seminar series to highlight local gerontology research. Formats vary from seminars by local faculty, short talks from early-stage investigators.

San Diego/Imperial Geriatric Education Center
lmproving Geriatrics Education in the Community: SDSU and UCSD are co-leads on a HRSA-funded Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) grant to continue the San Diego/Imperial Geriatric Education Center (SDIGEC) and its important work educating local healthcare providers and communities on Alzheimer's Disease and geriatrics!

Dementia Care Aware
Dementia Care Aware empowers primary care providers and their teams to screen for dementia. Take our training on a 5-10-minute cognitive screening tool called the cognitive health assessment (CHA). This tool can be used annually or whenever a cognitive screen is indicated, such as during Medicare Annual Wellness Visit.
Contact Us
To learn more about these programs, contact:
Jennifer Reichstadt, M.S.G.
Director of Education and Development